CD5035 & LM5035 PWM Controller with Integrated Half-Bridge and SyncFET Drivers Controller Chip
Update date:2024/5/10 Number of views:
Brand: LM5035
model: CD5035
market value:99
concessional rate:89
Trait:CD5035 PWM controller is Voltage ModeControl with Line Feedforward , supply voltagesup to 105V. Both the high-side and low-side gatedrivers are capable of 2A peak. An internal highvoltage start-up regulator is included, Additionalfeatures include along with line undervoltagelockout (UVLO) and line overvoltage protection(OVP), dual mode overcurrent protection andexternal synchronization function. The oscillator isprogrammed with a single resistor to frequenciesup to 1MHz.