CD5032 & LM5032 Dual Interleaved Current Mode Controller Chip

Update date:2024/5/10      Number of views:
  • Brand:   CD5032
  • model:   LM5032
  • market value: 89
  • concessional rate: 85
Trait:CD5032 dual current mode PWM controllercontains all the features needed to control eithertwo independent forward active clamp DC/DCconverters or a single high current convertercomprised of two interleaved power stages. Thetwo controller channels operate 180°out of phasethereby reducing input ripple current.The CD5032 operates over a wide input range upto 100 V and provide a robust 2.5A peak sinkcurrent. The adjustable maximum PWM duty cyclereduce stress on the primary side MOSFETswitches. Additional features includeprogrammable line undervoltage lockout, cycle-by-cycle current limit, hiccup mode fault operationwith adjustable response time, PWM slopecompensation, soft-start, and a 2MHz capableoscillator with synchronization capability.
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